Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What's Cooking Wednesday; Fails

Hello and welcome to gracebook.
I'm am to tell you about a cooking fail.
well we were out of milk. and mom told me to make mac n cheese. so  I informed  her we were out of milk, so she said just use some evaporated milk out of the pantry. so I made the mac n cheese but it turned out I used.....

Sweetened condensed milk.....

instead. so long story short no one ate it. and I'm still made fun of to this day!

love always
Grace (the easily confused) Bennett

my first car

welcome to gracebook

OK so today I was supposed to post an embarrassing picture of me but I shan't be doing that.
But instead I will be telling you about the first car I remember.

I remember a mini van. I can't remember what color it was exactly but I want to say it was maybe a dark blue. But I only have two memories of it.

First you must know that most of my first memories are of me puking or getting sick in some way shape or form. Gross I know but its the only reason I remember this van.

One of the two memories is when we are on our way to a one of my older sisters soft ball games. I had been feeling sick all afternoon but like most little kids I didn't want to say anything and miss out on going to a soft ball game. So on the way to said game I ended up ... well you know.... all over the back of the driver's seat.

The second memory is of my family and I getting home from going out to eat. I remember we had just eaten at a Chinese restaurant that had had a really pretty indoor koi pond with a water fall/fountain in it. We were getting out and I had a water bottle in my mouth. And my "twin" brother Jamie kicked me out of the van, and I landed face first with the water bottle still in my mouth. I got a  punctured a gum that bled all over heck's half-acre. 

But don't worry I got back at him later by throwing one of my dad's sneakers at his face busting his lip open and he got a turn bleeding everywhere. 

See family is all about getting even.\

love always
grace (the revenge goddess) Bennett 

Friday, October 25, 2013

mind reading

welcome to gracebook
As you can see by the title the the super power I would least like to poses is to read minds.
The reason i don't want to read minds is because it would be embarrassing and could be hurtful.
It would be embarrassing to answer peoples questions when they haven't asked, and people usually keep their deep dark secrets in their mind.
It could be hurtful if say someone hated your guts. You wouldn't want to hear how horrible you are... Now would you?
well... that's it. I'm going to go get ready for bed.
love always
Grace (the tired) Bennett

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What's Cooking Wednesday; Sunday Sammies

Welcome back to gracebook.

It is what's cooking Wednesday again and I am sharing with you the best sandwich you will ever have the privilege you put in your pie hole!


My Mom makes them all the time. They are better than any sandwich you can think of.

OK imagine the best sandwich you've ever had and multiply that by 100 and you've got half the awesomeness of a Sunday Sammie! They are that good.

here is the recipe.

And get this... 

You can make them on ANY day of the week!
love always
Grace (the sandwich eatin' freak) Bennett

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fantasy Friday, Stand in Saturday, Sunday Surprise, Memoir Monday, Truth or Dare Tuesday.

Fantasy Friday; if you could be in one TV show what would it be

Hello and welcome to gracebook.

 The Cosby Show! is the show I would pick. Because it is one of my favorite shows ever.

Love Always
Grace (Huxtable) Bennett

Stand in Saturday

Welcome to gracebook.

here is a link to my Mom's blog that's all about me

Love Always
Grace Ellen Bennett

Sunday Surprise

Hi and welcome to gracbook

This post has been censored for your protection.

Today I will share with you a conversation I "overheard" the other day with my Mom.

After lunch the other day my "twin" bro Jamie (don't you even think about calling him James I will literally kill you) was conveniently lying on the living room floor, playing on his outdated ipod touch. So in full-on big sister mode, I snuck up on him and... 

... Sat on him, tickling him senseless! So as what usually happens, he starts tickling me. I fell off him and landed on my hand to where I have hyperextended (I learned that word at the E.R. later on) my hand so far back I felt the back of my fingers on the back of my hand!

Blah blah blah, E.R., xray, and severe sprain later, mom and I are walking out (Dad went to get him and Mom a coffee and my favorite three-berry smoothie from Innkeepers) of the E.R. waiting room. (and i notice a girl in a wheelchair with an ankle [that even me an untrained 16 year old can tell is broken without looking at an xray] that is blue and swollen) As we are waiting out side the girl I mentioned before came out with I assume her boyfriend to have a smoke. 

Now even with a cigarette in her mouth she is keeping up a constant whiny dialog that consists of mostly F bombs and several blasphemous sentences along with other things along those lines. After several minutes  I am able to piece together what happened. 

She was selling to tickets to some concert and a "buyer" popped up and they met at a local gas station to make the exchange. well yaddy yaddy yada she was getting mugged and she fought back and broke her ankle. 

and this dialog went on for several minuets and she keeps whining about going back to jail so I'm guessing she was on parole or something. 

I hope this story didn't burn the eyes right out of your face. I would hate that, mainly because then you wouldn't be able to read my blog anymore.

Can't get enough of this lovely person take a look at my Mom's version of the story at

love always
Grace (the eavesdropping queen) Bennett

Memoir Monday

Welcome readers to gracebook

Today I'm supposed to tell you about my earliest childhood memory. wich takes place in Minnesota on July 24th (Hannah's birthday) now I don't remember her on her birthday but what I do remember is that the circus came to town the very day that she was being born and watching the elephants put up the tent. 

Obviously I'm very distractible . 

here is a link to the story from my Mom's view. 
part 1
part 2
love always
Grace (the easily distracted) Bennett

Truth or Dare Tuesday

Welcome viewers to gracebook

Today I am supposed to share a text sent to the wrong person or a auto correct fail.
I have chosen the latter because the former has never happened to me before.

I'm the best texter in the world!!!

First I will share one that has happened to me. then I will share a couple pictures of some of my favorites from pinterest.

I was texting my sister Krystal and I was told I needed to do my dishes. So I texted her and said...

sorry got to go I need to go wash my fishes.

and she replied 

um... I don't think your fishes would appreciate a washing.

and so I explained that I meant dishes.

see not very funny. but the ones from pintrest are.

love always
Grace (the best texter ever) Bennett

Thursday, October 17, 2013

a thousand word Thursday; your favorite tool

YO, welcome to gracebook.
Today's topic a thousand word Thursday; your favorite tool. and my favorite tool is my book shelf.

Now yet another thing you need to know about me is I love to do DIY.

pic of my book shelf
I made it with old milk crates and pieces of a table. It also doubles as a headboard. and it's a tool because without it, my books don't have a home, and my cat has nowhere to sleep.

My Mom and oldest sister Krystal think I should be concerned that it will fall on me in my sleep and what I say to that is "Well death by books seems like a good way to go."

But to ease their minds , I moved my collection of assorted sharp objects (that used to be on the very top of it) to live with my collection of balloons.  ;)

But as you can see in the lower center cubical is a large stack of library books.

And in the two upper center cubicles are other books; those would be the the complete set of the Hunger Games and Twilight on top, and below that is all the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books and it's companion series the Heroes of Olympus (the next book is in my Amazon cart).

Well that's it!
Love always,

Grace (DIYER) Bennett

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What's Cooking Wednesday; cinnamon waffles

Hello there, Grace here and Welcome to gracebook.

Now another thing you need to know about me is that I am number 4 of a total of 10 kids (not including grandkids and Mom and Dad).

There is Krystal (almost 28) and she is Married to the smartest/coolest guy I know Nick Carlson
Krystal & Nick
and they have adopted my favorite/only nephew Asher (6)
 and they are currently fostering/trying to adopt the cutest little girl ever, Bitsy Boo (4) (DCFS rules not her real name) but I call her Boo Boo, (I am Bitsy Boo's favorite person! We're best buds!)


Then there is Lyndsay (almost 27)

Lyndsay and Jack Sparrow (Jack Sparrow is no relation)
Then Kayla(almost 25) and she has my other three nieces Jayla(5), Sammi Jo(2) (Samantha Jolyn), and Macy(3 months)

Macy& Kayla
left to right Sammi Jo Jayla Macy

then there is me (I'm the coolest of all the children)
me and BOO BOO

then my "twin" brother Jamie. now you may be wondering about the "'twin'" part. well we are only fifteen months apart he is currently 15 and I'm less then 5 months from my 17th birthday, and he is my bestest friend ever. we have a running joke that we practically shared a womb, and that we share a brain. (he gets it on the weekends and holidays)


then there is Hannah(12),

Daniel (10),
Daniel is in the middle the other two are friends of his

Mary (8),
Mary with Daniel in the background
now I know what you're thinking "Wait are these real twins or are these pretend too?"and the answer to that is neither mercy is adopted and so is her little brother

Sam(7) we also call him Sambo

and Mercy and Sam are "actual" siblings, meaning same birth parents. now the next question everyone always asks is "do they know they are adopted" and the answer to that is yes they do and so does Asher and if we keep her BOO BOO will to.

my Dad (46) is the pastor of my church,
my Mom (45) is my teacher in every subject
my Mom and Dad at VBS

           Anyway today the assignment is recipes, so I'm going to tell you about the cinnamon roll waffles I made a few months ago.

         A couple years ago I was looking through the recipes on Pinterest when I came across the most delicious looking waffles I've ever seen!

          Now I'm more of a pancake person myself, but I do enjoy a waffle once in awhile.

      Here's a picture of them!
Cinnamon Roll Waffles PRINT

Aren't they beautiful?

          Anywho back on topic. So as what often happens as I'm Pinteresting I forget about it. But then the day before Mother's day I start thinking about what I'm making my Mom for breakfast, and yet again I come across them. So I have my Dad take me to the nearest County Market to get the stuff for them.
The next day I wake up at about 6 to get to work.
Now I have made the tradition that I wake up early on Mother's Day and clean up the house, get the other kids ready for church and make something special for breakfast.
So I get to work on breakfast and when it's ready I head on back to my parent's room and as I get to the end of the hall my Mom walks out and says "I smelled Cinnamon rolls in my sleep and woke up starving. are you making Cinnamon rolls?" so i hand her the waffles and she takes a bite and says "These are the best waffles i have ever had!"
so if Mom says something is good it must be good cause it takes a lot to get the best cook in the world to say it's the best thing they ever had!

     here's the recipe

1. Get enough tubes of cinnamon rolls so that there is 4 rolls per waffle,
2. Heat up your handy dandy waffle iron,
3. Roll the rolls like you were just going to make the rolls,
4. Place 4 in your iron and cook til the ready light goes on or for about as long as normal waffles,
5. And finally serve with the frosting dribbled over it.

     I guarantee they will be the best waffles you ever have!!!

Love always

Grace (part 4 of 10) Bennett

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth or Dare Tuesday; why do i even have this?

Hey, this is Grace, and welcome to gracebook.

Now, one of the first things you need to know about me is that I'm homeschooled. (That's why I'm starting a blog.  My mom is forcing me to.) 

The second thing you need to know about me is that I may be the biggest book junkie you will ever meet. I go to the library much more than one person needs to. 

But my "Why do I even have this?" is a book I got from the library called The Man Who Loved Books too Much: a True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession, by Allison Hoover Bartlett. I don't remember finding it, I don't remember checking it out, and until I got home, I didn't even know such a book existed! As I looked through the 16 300+ page books I got, trying to decide which I would start first, I discovered it and thought, "Did the librarian drug me today at the library? Because I have no idea where this came from." 

Now all I can think is "Gosh, I hope I didn't inadvertently take this from another innocent library-goer's pile!"

So random library-goer...if you had said book in your pile, I'm very sorry, and it will be returned by the 24th!

Love always,

Gracie (the book junkie ) Bennett