Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fantasy Friday, Stand in Saturday, Sunday Surprise, Memoir Monday, Truth or Dare Tuesday.

Fantasy Friday; if you could be in one TV show what would it be

Hello and welcome to gracebook.

 The Cosby Show! is the show I would pick. Because it is one of my favorite shows ever.

Love Always
Grace (Huxtable) Bennett

Stand in Saturday

Welcome to gracebook.

here is a link to my Mom's blog that's all about me


Love Always
Grace Ellen Bennett

Sunday Surprise

Hi and welcome to gracbook

This post has been censored for your protection.

Today I will share with you a conversation I "overheard" the other day with my Mom.

After lunch the other day my "twin" bro Jamie (don't you even think about calling him James I will literally kill you) was conveniently lying on the living room floor, playing on his outdated ipod touch. So in full-on big sister mode, I snuck up on him and... 

... Sat on him, tickling him senseless! So as what usually happens, he starts tickling me. I fell off him and landed on my hand to where I have hyperextended (I learned that word at the E.R. later on) my hand so far back I felt the back of my fingers on the back of my hand!

Blah blah blah, E.R., xray, and severe sprain later, mom and I are walking out (Dad went to get him and Mom a coffee and my favorite three-berry smoothie from Innkeepers) of the E.R. waiting room. (and i notice a girl in a wheelchair with an ankle [that even me an untrained 16 year old can tell is broken without looking at an xray] that is blue and swollen) As we are waiting out side the girl I mentioned before came out with I assume her boyfriend to have a smoke. 

Now even with a cigarette in her mouth she is keeping up a constant whiny dialog that consists of mostly F bombs and several blasphemous sentences along with other things along those lines. After several minutes  I am able to piece together what happened. 

She was selling to tickets to some concert and a "buyer" popped up and they met at a local gas station to make the exchange. well yaddy yaddy yada she was getting mugged and she fought back and broke her ankle. 

and this dialog went on for several minuets and she keeps whining about going back to jail so I'm guessing she was on parole or something. 

I hope this story didn't burn the eyes right out of your face. I would hate that, mainly because then you wouldn't be able to read my blog anymore.

Can't get enough of this lovely person take a look at my Mom's version of the story at


love always
Grace (the eavesdropping queen) Bennett

Memoir Monday

Welcome readers to gracebook

Today I'm supposed to tell you about my earliest childhood memory. wich takes place in Minnesota on July 24th (Hannah's birthday) now I don't remember her on her birthday but what I do remember is that the circus came to town the very day that she was being born and watching the elephants put up the tent. 

Obviously I'm very distractible . 

here is a link to the story from my Mom's view. 
part 1
part 2
love always
Grace (the easily distracted) Bennett

Truth or Dare Tuesday

Welcome viewers to gracebook

Today I am supposed to share a text sent to the wrong person or a auto correct fail.
I have chosen the latter because the former has never happened to me before.

I'm the best texter in the world!!!

First I will share one that has happened to me. then I will share a couple pictures of some of my favorites from pinterest.

I was texting my sister Krystal and I was told I needed to do my dishes. So I texted her and said...

sorry got to go I need to go wash my fishes.

and she replied 

um... I don't think your fishes would appreciate a washing.

and so I explained that I meant dishes.

see not very funny. but the ones from pintrest are.

love always
Grace (the best texter ever) Bennett

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